Health Benefit of Matcha

Health Benefits of Matcha

Matcha is a finely-ground powder made from the dried leaves of the Camellia Sinensis plant. It’s a type of green tea known as a superfood for its health and wellness benefits. We’ll discuss some of these advantages to understand why matcha has become an attractive lifestyle choice for many. This ingredient can be added to various drinks and dishes, making it incredibly versatile.

Highest Antioxidants Amongst All Superfoods

Antioxidants, like polyphenols and flavanoids, protect you against free radicals and lower the risk of getting cancer or other chronic diseases, which is why foods packed full of them are labeled superfoods. While the antioxidant properties of blueberries and spinach are well-known, it may not be commonly known that matcha has higher concentrations than both of these. Matcha green tea contains 125 times the amount of antioxidants as spinach and 15 times more than blueberries.

Relax and unwind with a matcha latte or tea

A cup of matcha tea can instantly calm you down. While coffee tends to make people jittery, your body doesn’t react the same way with the caffeine in matcha. L-theanine, present in matcha, allows for a smoother absorption of caffeine into your bloodstream. Coffee, by comparison, does not contain L-theanine and the caffeine in it tends to make you more jittery and nervous as it stresses your adrenal glands, causing a spike in cortisol and adrenaline levels. When you consume coffee, you end up feeling more tired after the caffeine boost wears off. The energy boost that you get from matcha is a lot more balanced and lasts longer. Alpha waves in your brain are also triggered by matcha consumption, and these prompt relaxation and stress relief.

Matcha is an Immunity Booster

Matcha green tea strengthens your immune system, which prevents germs and viruses from entering the body and wreaking havoc with your health. EGCg, a rare and special catechin antioxidant present in matcha, defends your body against numerous bacterial and viral illnesses and infections. Matcha also inhibits microbes and bacteria that cause diseases like strep throat, Influenza A, and Hepatitis. The high quantities of zinc and Vitamin E in matcha also build up your immunity, helping you stay far away from the pesky common cold and flu.

Choose Matcha over Coffee for Better Oral Health

Both matcha and coffee have high concentrations of caffeine, making them popular options amongst people looking for an energy boost. However, matcha has some advantages over coffee. Studies have shown that matcha helps reduce foul odor-causing bacteria in the mouth, leading to fresher breath (1). Unlike coffee, matcha also won’t stain your teeth or wear the enamel down. Coffee tends to be quite acidic, meaning that over time it can damage the enamel and cause cavities. Matcha, on the other hand, is much friendlier to your teeth and prevents plaque build-up.

Matcha Improves Concentration and Memory

Research has shown that matcha actually makes you smarter! A study was conducted where older people with cognitive issues were given two grams of matcha every day for three months, after which a considerable improvement was seen in their mental state (2). Studies have also shown encouraging results of matcha consumption in people with degenerative neurological conditions like Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s (3).

Matcha contains L-theanine, thanks to which caffeine becomes more readily absorbent and alpha wave activity in the brain increases. Faster reaction times, improved concentration, and better memory have all been linked to matcha consumption.

Another study with 23 participants compared the performance of tasks between people that had consumed a matcha bar or tea versus a placebo group (4). The study found that the tasks were completed more accurately and efficiently by the group that had consumed matcha.

Pick Matcha over a Treadmill

Match compliments fitness lifestyle and helps burn calories. While nothing takes the place of physical exercise, which is extremely important for your health and physique, matcha could potentially cut down the amount of time you spend doing cardio while allowing you to cut down on fat and lose calories.

The catechins in matcha encourage fat burning by using the fat in the body as an energy source. They also increase the presence of the hormone that makes you feel full and satiated, allowing you to cut down on unnecessary snacking and overly large food portions. Studies have shown that matcha can lower body fat and BMI, which helps you lose inches (5). If you want an extra boost and quick recovery, down a matcha tea before your next workout!

Protect your heart- and your bones!

Matcha has proven benefits for heart health, with regular consumption leading to lower levels of bad cholesterol. Simultaneously, it increases HDL or good cholesterol in your blood. Bad cholesterol can clog your arteries and cause strokes or heart attacks, so drinking matcha can actually reduce the risk of heart disease.

Matcha is also great for people that suffer from arthritis. Polyphenols in matcha have anti-inflammatory properties, which can help with the inflamed joints that come with arthritis. Antioxidants in matcha also slow down the production of joint-damaging molecules and keep cartilage and bone healthy, reducing the onset and severity of arthritis and other degenerative joint diseases.

Glow Up with Matcha

Match claims a fair share of skincare properties as well. As a result, numerous brands have started coming out with matcha-infused skincare products and lines due to the powder’s anti-aging and anti-inflammatory properties. The antioxidants in matcha fight free radicals, which slows down wrinkles and other age-related skin damage. The antioxidant EGCg combats inflammation, making matcha an effective remedy against acne and rosacea. For this, you can purchase a matcha face cream, mask, or serum.

Detox with Chlorophyll

The leaves matcha is made from are grown in the shade, leading to increased chlorophyll production. Chlorophyll acts as a natural detoxifier in the body and also has weight loss and therapeutic properties. In fact, chlorophyll has been shown to reduce the risk of liver tumors and stomach cancer significantly!


Matcha has boundless health benefits, and further research is actively being done to uncover more. This powdered green tea isn’t labeled a superfood for no reason: it has been proven to keep you away from sickness and disease, improve mental clarity and brain function, and encourage relaxation. If you suffer from skin issues like acne, rosacea, or wrinkles, this fantastic green tea can help soothe and even cure them.

The above-mentioned benefits of matcha are claims and while there have been credible studies on them, results from further research are still pending. Given the extensive research conducted on green tea, these claims are still valuable as matcha is a concentrated form of green tea that is consumed whole.
  1. ‘Volatile Sulfur Compounds as The Cause of Bad Breath: A Review’, Albert Tangerman et al.,
  2. ‘Green tea consumption affects cognitive dysfunction in the elderly: a pilot study’, Kazuki Ide et al.,
  3. ‘Tea catechins inhibit cholesterol oxidation accompanying oxidation of low density lipoprotein in vitro’, K Osada et al.,
  4. ‘An intervention study on the effect of matcha tea, in drink and snack bar formats, on mood and cognitive performance’, Christina Dietz et al.,
  5. ‘A green tea extract high in catechins reduces body fat and cardiovascular risks in humans’,
  6. Tomonori Nagao et al.,
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